Scripts for the Things You’re Too Tired to Say Out Loud (Because You’re Exhausted, Not Weak)

There’s a point in the parenting journey—especially when you’re navigating the spectrum—where you stop having the energy to explain yourself, advocate, or even ask for a damn nap. You’re not out of words. You’re just out of bandwidth.

That’s where we come in.

Consider this your emotional ammo belt. Pre-loaded, no-nonsense scripts for the moments when you’re too tired, too overstimulated, or too done to wordsmith your truth. Use them. Text them. Say them. Copy/paste and walk away.

No guilt. No fluff. Just the words you were trying to find before your third coffee kicked in.

1) When someone says, “But he doesn’t look autistic…”


“Yeah, it’s almost like it’s a spectrum or something. Wild, right?”

(Optional add-on for polite company:)

“We focus on support over appearances.”

(Optional add-on for less polite company:)

“And you don’t look like someone I need to explain this to.”

2) When a family member keeps trying to “fix” your kid with parenting tips from 1993


“We’re doing what works for this child. Not a hypothetical version. We’re good.”

(Optional throwdown version:)

“We’re not looking for old-school discipline. We’re looking for actual support. You in?”

3) When the school isn’t doing what they promised in the IEP


“Just confirming: is this aligned with what’s in his IEP? If not, let me know what steps you’re taking to get back on track.”

(Cool gunslinger tone:)

“I’m not asking for favors. I’m asking for follow-through.”

4) When you need space from a friend who’s draining you


“Right now, I’m in a season of protecting my peace. I still care—but I need to step back.”

(Bonus line for the brave ones:)

“If I don’t respond right away, it’s not about you. It’s about survival mode.”

5) When your co-parent isn’t showing up


“I don’t need extra opinions. I need actual help. Be part of the solution—or please get out of the way.”

(Even more direct version:)

“If you’re waiting for me to break, I won’t. But the fallout might not be pretty.”

6) When your body is shutting down and you’re still being asked to do more


“My capacity is tapped. I can revisit this when I’m resourced. Right now, I’m not.”

(Mom version: “I’m at zero percent. Unless it’s on fire or bleeding, it can wait.”)

7) When you feel like you’re failing but you’re actually doing a damn good job

Script (to self):

“I’m not behind. I’m carrying a load most people couldn’t lift. I’m not broken—I’m just exhausted.”

(Tape it to your mirror. Say it like a war cry. Whisper it like a prayer.)

8) When your kid is melting down in public and people are staring


“He’s not giving you a hard time. He’s having a hard time.”

(With the stare-down version:)

“This isn’t a show. Keep moving.”

9) When a doctor dismisses your gut feeling


“Can you please note in my child’s file that you declined further evaluation, despite parent concern?”

(Then watch how fast they change their tone.)

10) When you just need someone to show up and stop talking


“I don’t need advice. I need presence. Bring snacks or bring silence.”

Final Word

You don’t have to be poetic to be powerful.

You don’t have to be calm to be clear.

And you don’t have to explain yourself to be respected.

You’re not too much. You’re doing too much.

So take these scripts. Use them like armor.

Because you don’t have to fight every battle with your bare hands.

Want this in swipe format for your phone? Let us know—we’ll send it to you with a cold brew emoji and a wink. You deserve to save your voice.

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