MAKER: From Veterinary Science to Fiber Art – Jake’s Crochet Evolution

Meet Jake, the creative force behind Critter Stitch Studios, where veterinary science meets fiber arts. A veterinarian turned epidemiologist, Jake has discovered his artistic voice through crochet, challenging traditional craft boundaries, and creating innovative amigurumi designs that captivate the fiber arts community.

On Being a Savant

Q: What Does Being a Savant Mean to You?

A: A savant is someone with powerful and singular insight or ability in a specific area. Recognizing that in myself allows me to celebrate the pieces of me that might set me apart from others.

The Moment of Realization

Q: The Moment You Knew You Were Unique—How Did It Shape You?

A: I think I am still learning to recognize how I might be different from others. This art skill (crochet) is still new to me. For most of my life, I valued my intellect above everything else and used my attainment of education and degrees to define my worth and what I can bring to the world. It is only within the last couple of years that I’ve begun to realize that I don’t have to follow a path that others lay out – I can forge my own.

Daily Rituals and Passion

Q: What’s Your Daily Ritual for Tapping into Your Genius?

A: If I can get outside in nature, especially doing something physically active like a hike or a run, my creative juices really start flowing. I have had some of my biggest design ideas while training for a half marathon, and have had to pause a run to take notes on my phone!

On Identity and Labels

Q: In a World Obsessed with Labels, How Do You Define Yourself?

A: Some labels are okay – Personally, I’m a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend. Professionally, I’m a veterinarian and epidemiologist. Artistically, I’m an amigurumi designer and creator. Other than that, I’m the only one who gets to say who I am, so I don’t care about anyone else’s labels.


Q: What’s the Most Misunderstood Aspect of Your Identity or Life/Work?

A: I think the most common comment or question is that people are surprised that I, as a cis-male, am the designer and creator of my patterns and plushies, since crochet is more traditionally seen as a female craft. But fiber arts don’t discriminate! And the community itself is so welcoming.

Creative Inspirations

Q: Which Piece of Music, Art, or Literature Speaks to Your Soul—and Why?

A: I grew up playing the cello, from elementary into high school. If I ever want to feel inspired or moved, I just have to listen to Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major.

Legacy and Impact

Q: What’s Your Legacy in the Making?

A: Ultimately, I want to be remembered as a kind, gentle, loving person. That really is all there is to it.

Bold Moves

Q: What’s the Most Radical Thing You’ve Ever Done in the Name of Passion?

A: Leaving private small animal veterinary practice to pursue a career in public health stands out – and I don’t regret it in the slightest. It has provided the work-life balance I needed in order to explore my creative self.

Finding Balance

Q: How Do You Balance the Chaos and the Calm in Your Life?

A: For me, creation and crochet specifically actually has a calming effect. If my day has been particularly crazy, I know that I can sit down with a hook and yarn and fall into the process of creating to calm my mind and soothe my soul.

Role Models and Wisdom

Q: Who’s Your Ultimate Role Model—And What Have They Taught You?

A: There are so many incredible creators in the crochet world who I admire! But the biggest lesson I have heard repeated from so many of them is to create what you want! If you love the design, it will come through to your audience.

Advice to Younger Self

Q: If You Could Speak to Your Younger Self, What Advice Would You Give?

A: If I could speak to my younger self I would challenge his (our?) perception of the value of creative arts. I’d push him to explore his creative self when it feels right.

The Power of Words

Q: What’s Your Favorite Curse Word or Expletive, and Why?

A: Oh, I love a good well-timed F-bomb. There really isn’t a good alternative to it.

Looking Forward

Q: What Are You Looking Forward To?

A: My first dragon design, Archie the Articulated Dragon, has been my most well-received design. I am so excited to create many more articulated-style amigurumi patterns, and I love how novel and unique they are in the community.

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